Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor
First Wave of Terrain Finished
Here are my final results. 23 finished pieces of terrain in one week, while doing other time consuming things. I’m very happy, and I really like those cars. The windows got a final coat of gloss once all the matt varnishing was done. This does mean that in some of these pics they are really reflecting the light, making them look like they have white blobs on them. I’m not too happy about that, but they’re great in person and that’s what matters.
Once I have everything done I’ll be back here with some pics of everything on a table.
I’m back at work now so I don’t have much free time anymore. I’m currently working on that Loader. I’ve got to pick some areas out in black, paint the chair leathery, and do something with the hub caps. It wouldn’t be much, except it’s such a large surface area. I also need to varnish every coat because it keeps chipping off due to the moving parts bumping together, and from my handling. it’s too big to handle sensibly. No way it’ll fit on a hobby holder.
I’ve also had another idea for a piece of terrain. My first 3D print was the Anycubic test piece and it’s been sat untouched on a shelf for years now. I’ve always thought it looked like a corporate sculpture, so why not mount it on something and paint it chrome? I figure I get an old round coffee jar lid, turn it up side down and put a plinth for this in the middle. I then surround the plinth in sand and paint it as mud. Add some flowers and we have a large planter with a sculpture in the middle. Should be a good size 2 terrain piece.
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