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Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

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Battle Report

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I got together with my fellow Bolt Action enthusiast over the weekend. We played a 1500 point area control game. I felt like I had suffered for lack of infantry in the last game, so I made sure I had plenty of squads this time around

Battle Report

We pushed out of our starting sectors and the battle played out on two fronts, the fiercest fighting was in the south west where I tried to flank his artillery. My panzerschrek crew halted his m10s’ advance down the main street and though immobilised he was still able to attack my unit holed up at the crossroads along with his troops in the house diagonally opposite, the fighting was bloodiest here and both units were ultimately destroyed.

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