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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Wars Of The Roses Project.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

The models featured are principally Perry although one is the Richard III figure available at this years Hammerhead wargames show and there is also a pack of civilians from Casting Room Miniatures. The plastic figures are made up with parts from the following boxed sets: Foot Knights 1450-1500, Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500, Wars of the Roses Infantry ( bow and bills) and Mercenaries European Infantry 1450-1500.

The figures are all more or less compatible with each other and no two figures are the same. I have also converted quite a few as well. The project revolves around Richard III at Bosworth although I will also be making a vignette of him when he was the Duke of Gloucster at the battle of Barnet. When completed I will have made seven different vignettes/dioramas featuring Richard. Wargames units wearing his livery coat and also Henry Tudors will be added as well. Several of my ideas have been inspired by artwork by Graham Turner and Peter Dennis as well as the cover of the new Billhooks publication.

I also purchased several metal packs of medieval civilians and  Wars of the Roses personalities. They will be used in a huge diorama I am planning which will feature Richard at a joust. The wagon that can be seen in the picture is available from Warbases.

Wars Of The Roses Project.

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Paul Mackaygianlucafiorentini123 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Amazing thread! Love the variety of minis and the high quality they’re all painted to. The face on Gimli is particularly good.

Can’t wait to see what else you’ve got to do.

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