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Collins builds the world of the walking dead

Collins builds the world of the walking dead

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Carl Grimes

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Carl Grimes
Carl Grimes
Carl Grimes

To make up for having to paint two models in one (horses and riders count as separates!) I decided to start painting the Grimes family, starting with Carl, he is half sized after all!

Nice simple scheme of blue jeans, red soft-shell jacket and of course Rick’s police hat.

Nice simple, base, wash and layer highlight.

I think I’m getting the hang of when to use contrast and when to use paint, somethings just work better as contrast (hair) and others not so much.

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gianlucafiorentini123 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Oh wow. Love reading through the expansion of the story in your posts and watching the boards unfold.

Real pity mantic stopped producing the game.

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