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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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Phase 1, squad 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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After a few experiments trying to ways to get a blue tint on my clones, I have ended up with pretty white-looking clones!  Oh well, at least I like them. 😉

You probably can’t tell but these are layered up from shadow grey going ever lighter to white highlights. Then I tried going more blue, but it looked weird. So more white…oh, no, it’s just white.  More blue? No, it needs a bit more white…. Oh right, yeah, I have achieved white armour.

Ok, we are going white armour then!

The base coat....The base coat....
And where we ended up.And where we ended up.
Phase 1, squad 1
Colours used - why yes, all of those blues are in there!Colours used - why yes, all of those blues are in there!

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