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3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Started working on some stairs design base on the Mirco Arts studio MDF version.  It didnt fit what i wanted.

This is the design i came up. Off to the printer :).This is the design i came up. Off to the printer :).
Trying to remove the supports, I  have broken the rails. Back to Tinker CAD.Trying to remove the supports, I have broken the rails. Back to Tinker CAD.
I added an extra support.  Easy Fix (i change the orientation to print faster).I added an extra support. Easy Fix (i change the orientation to print faster).
Job Done.Job Done.

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Cult of Games Member

its just EXCELLENT !!!

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