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3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

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grand stairs case complete

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
This did not come together as plan. Mirroring the left side change the location of the tabs and i had to print it again :(.This did not come together as plan. Mirroring the left side change the location of the tabs and i had to print it again :(.
I had issue with fit after i print the second version to correct the mirror.I had issue with fit after i print the second version to correct the mirror.
Off by about 3 mm. Back to Tinker CAD yet again.Off by about 3 mm. Back to Tinker CAD yet again.
Finished  oops  forgot to fix the short stairsFinished oops forgot to fix the short stairs

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Cult of Games Member

These are great! Do you have the files up on Thingiverse? I would like to try printing some.

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