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Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

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Revenge of the Duster part 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So moving swiftly along I have my 2nd pathfinder unit. Again a quick once over with the duster and refresh any colours that weren’t quite there plus touch up all the glaring mistakes one inevitably finds when looking at a ‘finished’ model again after awhile.

These are same colour scheme but are marked up as 02

Pathfinders 02Pathfinders 02

Onto the drones.

Squads 1, 2 & 4 all dusted, repaired and ready to go on display.

I can thank past me for the idea of alternating the red gore and vomit brown sections on the drones as it has at least preventing complete mental breakdown when batch painting oodles of drones. The one constant I’ve found as a Tau collector is that there are always more drones….

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