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Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

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Just needing a dusting:

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The model that started it all, Aun’O Mesme UkosThe model that started it all, Aun’O Mesme Ukos

Aun’O Mesme Ukos, my first Tau purchase. The rocks on the base have glow in the dark paint on & I’m amazed that it still in fact glows!

my first ever attempt at a conversion is also in the photo – a Mickey Mouse Drone. It’s terrible and clunky but I keep it to remind me to keep trying.

My second photo is a Tau lookalike from the wonderful Black Scorpion Miniatures. I couldn’t resist adding them to my army.

Lastly is my forge world Sentry Turret.

All of these just needed a good dusting and they are ready to go on display.

Tau or not Tau??Tau or not Tau??
Sentry TurretSentry Turret

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