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Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

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Bronzino’s Galloper Gun…

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Bronzino’s Galloper Gun was my last purchase from the DoW range. At the time, I could afford one gun carriage and by the time I’d read the rules that additional gun carriages could be added, the GW range was no longer available. So we are stuck at one unit size, but that’s okay because for this potential army (as it’s becoming) I’ve already got in mind some further ballistic firepower…

Again, I used the mini hoover to suck up as much dust as possible.   The gun and crew had been painted sometime ago and I’d created a base out of two small movement bases glued together and then filled with a polystyrene tile which I could then cut into to provide snug and solid foundations for the minis. The crew just needed a bit of a refresh with a Thraka Green wash for the uniforms and Reikland Fleshshade for the skin tones. Again, I used the mini hoover to suck up as much dust as possible. The gun and crew had been painted sometime ago and I’d created a base out of two small movement bases glued together and then filled with a polystyrene tile which I could then cut into to provide snug and solid foundations for the minis. The crew just needed a bit of a refresh with a Thraka Green wash for the uniforms and Reikland Fleshshade for the skin tones.

Bronzino was already base-coated black so he needed to be painted up to match the rest of the crew using Retributor Gold and washed with Nuln Oil. In homage to and inspired by my community friend @horati0nosebl0wer I’ve attempted a dapple effect on the horse… it’s okay but not on par with his Mordheim Freelance on his Workbench blog.

The base was flocked with the same vibrant green as the Pikemen of Pugno but with the addition of some natural tree lichen to provide some cover and context for the overall base/vignette.

Bronzino’s Galloper Gun…
Bronzino’s Galloper Gun…
Next up a general who needs a horse…Next up a general who needs a horse…

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

A well done unit and my thanks for the nod. Your build of the base really works for the display as a mini diorama in its own right.

Don’t be discouraged with the horse painting. Its not an easy task and comes more with a sudden jolt of insight. Look into George Stubbs and his horse painting for wrapping your head around how highlights fall on their short hair coats.

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