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3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

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Waiting for my next print to finish

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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By the way, I running a Creality CR-10s with a build volume of 300mm by 300mm x 400mm it my second FDM printer after my first one had a motherboard failed.

The filament i mainly use is Hatchbox PLA (Grey) or Esun PLA+. i have tried cheaper brand like sunlu and sayo, got varies results. i found the cheaper bands damage my nozzle faster  so the 0.4 nozzle wear out in about 2 KG (spool) to 3 KG worth of filament.

I made this while i was waiting for my next print to finish :). I made this while i was waiting for my next print to finish :).

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The curved sections came out beautifully.

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