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3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

3D Wolsung Terrain (spring cleaning challenge 2023)

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Curved balcony

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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One thing MDF kit struggle with are curves parts. That were 3D print can excel.

My work space in tinker CAD may be clutter but some of my best idea come out of al that mess :)My work space in tinker CAD may be clutter but some of my best idea come out of al that mess :)
By reducing the thickness which parts i want to bend. I am able create curve that look very cool.By reducing the thickness which parts i want to bend. I am able create curve that look very cool.
Off the printer and ready to create a pair of balcony.Off the printer and ready to create a pair of balcony.
My secret is hot water(not scalding) dip part for a sec to test the filament reaction. It should take a few second to become malleable.  Use cold water to set the shape just like resin.My secret is hot water(not scalding) dip part for a sec to test the filament reaction. It should take a few second to become malleable. Use cold water to set the shape just like resin.
all the parts are holding there shape and i need to let it dry before i can prime them.all the parts are holding there shape and i need to let it dry before i can prime them.

It look pretty cool. I am very happy about the way these turn out :).

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Cult of Games Member

Brilliant stuff.

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