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Spring Cleaning 2023 - The Box Of Doom

Spring Cleaning 2023 - The Box Of Doom

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April 11th Update

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Most of the last couple of weeks have been spent on my Star Wars project so I haven’t managed as much as I thought I would have here. However, as part of my “play more games” 2023 goal, I had a Kill Team game this week and I knew that there was stuff in the Box of Doom that I wanted painted up for it.

Start of the dayStart of the day

I went digging in for the bomb squig and the measuring widgets and found a couple of the smaller bits of terrain in there too. I then remembered I didn’t actually finish the terrain from the Octarius box.

Being one of those assholes who had a glorious four day weekend over Easter, I figured now was the time to bash through it all. Rather than give myself all the time to do it, I gave myself four hours to get it done.

Done by lunchDone by lunch

Still needs a couple of coats of varnish but managed to get it all done and ready for the game last night. Happy with having it done, not perfect. Didn’t matter to my opponent but I felt better knowing I had a painted table.

First batch of the unfinished box is done.

Sidebar: Gaming

My brain struggled a bit with new rules but there is a really good little community here for KT and so it is worth putting in the work on it, I think. We’ve a narrative campaign coming up, a tournament in the next couple of months. Most importantly, they are a friendly group who are willing to play pretty much any day of the week. To “play more games” this year means playing what I want but also playing what I can get good games in. Kill Team looks like it is going to be a big part of it.

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