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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2023 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2023 and onward

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Discworld Witches - complete

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

11th April 2023

Well, I had hoped to get these finished at the start of the four day weekend and start into the next things.

Sadly I came down with a fever, which turned out to be Chicken Pox – and spent pretty much all weekend in bed ☹

Recovered just enough now to work from home – but also to finish these off ?

I had managed a bit more on them after the last update and prior to being taken out of action.

Getting a couple of layers of flesh tones down, and giving Granny Weatherwax a purple hue rather than the dark grey.

Then a bit of work on the broomsticks and bases – just enough to give it a bit of life ?

Discworld Witches  - complete

Then it was basically lots of finishing off – picking out the various packs they carry, shoes, bracelets, Greebo, fruit and leaves on the bases and such.

And now they live on a shelf in the living room, with some other Pratchett goodies

Discworld Witches  - complete

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Cult of Games Member

Wonderful miniatures and a great paint job to boot.

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