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SAGA: Ages of Ages

SAGA: Ages of Ages

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

The Greek Cities in Age of Alexander include options for Thebans.  The list I went for was shaped by the models I already have and so I’ve gone for:

Warlords on foot
2 units of 12 levy javelins
2 units of 8 hoplite warriors to make a single Oblique Phalanx
1 legendary unit of 12 Sacred Band of Thebes

This is a good list that provides a line of battle that counts as 5 units which is pretty good on the battle board.  I’ve played them a couple of times and they’ve come up short against Greek Successors.  Charging a large pike block is a fool’s errand, even when the Sacred Band hit with a very powerful punch having Agression 2 so 24 dice in combat before modifiers or Battle Board abilities!  I need to screen the main battle line better with the Levies if there is a good shooting unit on the opposition.  The Successor opponent had Cretan Archers which are nasty when facing a slow oponent like a hoplite line of battle.

Javelin Levy 1 Foundry miniaturesJavelin Levy 1 Foundry miniatures
Javelin Levy 2 Foundry miniaturesJavelin Levy 2 Foundry miniatures
Oblique Phalanx of Theban hoplites, Victrix Theban hoplitesOblique Phalanx of Theban hoplites, Victrix Theban hoplites

Theban Sacred Band by Warlord Games, formerly Immortal miniatures.

Warlord Epaminondas with bodyguard and flute player 2 Footsore minis with a Foundry bodyguard.Warlord Epaminondas with bodyguard and flute player 2 Footsore minis with a Foundry bodyguard.

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Cult of Games Member

So many pointy sticks. Nice work.

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