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CHILLCON  Show Highlights

CHILLCON Show Highlights

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Chillcon 2023 Show Highlights

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Sheffield’s annual show now its its 5th Year offers a great mix of traders, games, and Viking reenactors. A fantastic mix of games for all interests are covered and there’s an overall relaxed and chilled out feel. Great to see such a mixed crowd at the show too with plenty of traders offering RPG accessories it attracted a much more varied crowd than the usual historical show and was great to see kids involved and even doing battle with the Vikings!

As usual highly recommended way to pass a few hours on a Saturday, especially if your local to the show and cracking value at £5, with various options for swag bags also available if booking tickets in advance.

Once again this video is in the format of various highlights and clips taken through the day that you can watch at your own pace without commentary.

General thoughts

Another excellent show and cracking day out with a great relaxed feel and something for everyone from cupcake wars to first world war trenches, zombie survival to real life vikings!

Great to see a younger and more varied audience too! It might get some criticism from old grognards for not having enough boring green tables with “proper” wargames but its events like this with a family and younger feel that really get a new generation interested in the hobby.

Footfall felt busier this year but the number of traders and games on show felt slightly down, this wasnt a bad thing as it gave a very relaxed rather than busy feel. A few more participation games next time round would fill out the show well.

As usual there was a great “youtuber” section on hand panting and offering tips and advice, I can also say i have now been “pegged by peachy” (for fans of the painting phase). It was great to see many fimilar youtube faces that are all very local and in a similar vein there was a great selection of traders at the show with a huge variety of offerings from, historical, sci-fi, to D&D and cupcakes and again many of these where locals!

There was also a great painting competition with some fantastic entries this year and on the day a “paint a space marine in 20 min” challenge, which i will not show my pitiful attempt at. All great fun though and well worth having a go at if you attend in the future.

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Cult of Games Member

Great work and great video @jamescutts!

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