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What do i do with this grey Battletech stuff?

What do i do with this grey Battletech stuff?

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Group shot finished?

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
Group shot finished?

So based, bases rimmed, bushes added and cockpits and lasers painted. Pleased with the group.

Now i just have to do the vehicles battle armour and next lance.

Irritatingly going through my collection of stuff im willing to repaint that is in the merc availability during the ilclan are not very scouty. I may have to rethink the idea of a complete lance……

One thing that has peaked my interest is Wolfnet are developing what they are calling the Epic tourney format. 600pv lists, now i can get this to around 600 but i need to find 2 more mechs from somewhere to build it out.
That however is an issue, sticking to spring cleaning of owned stuff means i cant buy more for this force. So time to dig through the back of the shelves.
I do have a pile of 3d prints, but i’m loathed to use them still, desperation may change that however.

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Cult of Games Member

Really nice cohesive force you have there.

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