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Elessar's Spring Clean: Tiny Heresy

Elessar's Spring Clean: Tiny Heresy

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Terrain Part One

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 11
The glare from this is really bad buy you can see the evolution from MDF, Black Spray and Neutral Grey DrybrushThe glare from this is really bad buy you can see the evolution from MDF, Black Spray and Neutral Grey Drybrush
The Barriers are rescaled Road Barriers from CultsThe Barriers are rescaled Road Barriers from Cults
MDF bases and Hard Card Buildings inspired by the buildings on the gaming tables of my early days playing 40KMDF bases and Hard Card Buildings inspired by the buildings on the gaming tables of my early days playing 40K
The big buildings are not on MDF bases but on something similarThe big buildings are not on MDF bases but on something similar
Terrain Part One
The offcuts were glued to the base to simulate a floor underneath the rubble. I got the idea from a friend of mine many years ago who did the same thing with some LOTR TerrainThe offcuts were glued to the base to simulate a floor underneath the rubble. I got the idea from a friend of mine many years ago who did the same thing with some LOTR Terrain
I used Geek Gaming Scenics Desert Basing Mix to simulate a bunch of rubble and destruction. I went back and forth on using this stuff and if I did it again I would mix a bit more finer sand in the mix but I'm very happy with how they turned out.  I used Geek Gaming Scenics Desert Basing Mix to simulate a bunch of rubble and destruction. I went back and forth on using this stuff and if I did it again I would mix a bit more finer sand in the mix but I'm very happy with how they turned out.
Sprayed with Chaos Black to not only give a base layer but seal the basing mixSprayed with Chaos Black to not only give a base layer but seal the basing mix
Terrain Part One
Before and After DrybrushBefore and After Drybrush
Then another 50/50 mix of white and drybrushThen another 50/50 mix of white and drybrush
Start to finish, black, grey and 50/50 mix. Everything gets a pure white drybrush but that's for next timeStart to finish, black, grey and 50/50 mix. Everything gets a pure white drybrush but that's for next time

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Cult of Games Member

lovely terrain, this project is looking good!!!

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