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Kill Team - genestealer cult (Redirect)

Kill Team - genestealer cult (Redirect)

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I went with orange as the under clothing, red for the loin cloths / over clothes and off white body armour.I went with orange as the under clothing, red for the loin cloths / over clothes and off white body armour.
The shoulder pads are getting a grey seer coat just for some definition, there's plenty of brown and black leather keeping their kit together. Had fun with some blue spots to the skin and a lot of washes to make it fairly grimy. The shoulder pads are getting a grey seer coat just for some definition, there's plenty of brown and black leather keeping their kit together. Had fun with some blue spots to the skin and a lot of washes to make it fairly grimy.

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