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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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Risk versus Reward?

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
Risk versus Reward?

Helga Von Dag wiped the sweat off her brow and smiled at her golden reflection in her valuable prize. It had been an arduous quest just finding the temple in the jungle and then negotiating the umpteen traps set by the Master Grimtooth once inside.

But, at last the ‘Skull of Maverix’ was hers, even though it has come at such a high price. She was the last of the eight-strong party sent by the Kaiser and doubt suddenly struck her as she contemplated how she would escape this tomb. However, her thoughts of the need for self reassurance and belief were soon interrupted as a flash of silver emerged at speed from the darkness, accompanied by what sounded like the flapping of large wings…

The dragon-like guardian that had stalked her and her unfortunate companions since they entered the pyramid looked down from its perch on the now decimated hiding place of the golden skull and let out an enormous screech.

Helga’s only clear thought was to run… fast!

Models chosen: Reaper Miniatures Temple Dragon (metal) SKU: 03720 Sculpted by Julie Guthrie and Reaper Miniatures Pathfinder Agent (metal) SKU: 60080 Sculpted by Bob Ridolfi. Mounted on a 60mm lipped, round Egyptian Ruins resin base from Scibor Miniatures. Models chosen: Reaper Miniatures Temple Dragon (metal) SKU: 03720 Sculpted by Julie Guthrie and Reaper Miniatures Pathfinder Agent (metal) SKU: 60080 Sculpted by Bob Ridolfi. Mounted on a 60mm lipped, round Egyptian Ruins resin base from Scibor Miniatures.
Risk versus Reward?
Painting guide: Chaos Black undercoat.  Silver Dragon - Leadbelcher and dry brush with Chainmail followed by wash of Drakenhof Nightshade on hard plates and another dry brush of Chainmail with flesh parts washed with Baal Red.  Helga - Kislev Flesh and Reikland Fleshtone, Lorien Blue, Retributor Gold, Mephiston Red and Baal Red wash, Beastial Brown. Base - Steel Legion Drab, Wraithbone, Sepia Wash. Painting guide: Chaos Black undercoat. Silver Dragon - Leadbelcher and dry brush with Chainmail followed by wash of Drakenhof Nightshade on hard plates and another dry brush of Chainmail with flesh parts washed with Baal Red. Helga - Kislev Flesh and Reikland Fleshtone, Lorien Blue, Retributor Gold, Mephiston Red and Baal Red wash, Beastial Brown. Base - Steel Legion Drab, Wraithbone, Sepia Wash.

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Cult of Games Member

2023-04-04 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Great to see a completed piece. It’s a good kick in the rump to get me into doing more to show off

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