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Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

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Global Situation

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The world is in chaos due to the ongoing global conflicts and economic collapse. Europe has been at war for three years, with Russia invading Ukraine and occupying the country. Europe responds with sanctions, but a small conflict breaks out, with Russia slowly taking territory in Ukraine. A deal is eventually agreed upon, but a year later, Russia turns off the gas supply to Europe and begins a full-scale invasion, causing NATO to respond.

In the midst of this chaos, China sees an opportunity to take advantage of the global crisis and attempts a beach assault on Taiwan. Japan comes to the aid of Taiwan, and a small conflict continues in the country. China becomes distracted by events happening in the Korean peninsula, and forces Taiwan to accept the situation with an occupying force on the island.

Global Situation

Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the corporations have taken advantage of the global crisis to increase their power and control over the city. They have implemented strict laws and regulations, controlling every aspect of people’s lives, from what they eat to where they work. The corporations have their own private armies, which are used to enforce their rules and crush any dissent.

The rest of Asia is suffering from internal issues related to the loss of the global economy. Many countries are working closely with Australia and New Zealand to try to mitigate the economic effects. India made a small incursion into China in 2037, and after initial successes, was forced to retreat when fighting broke out in the Kashmiri region with Pakistan. The region is still quite tense, but a tense ceasefire has held out so far.

Global Situation

In North America, there have been border clashes with the cartels that have taken control of Mexico, creating a wave of refugees trying to escape the violence. The US has a growing movement of far-right groups causing internal conflict that has escalated into domestic terrorism. Canada has declared itself neutral, fearing a civil war could break out south of the border in the US.

South America has managed to avoid most of the violence seen in the rest of the world, but Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands after a bloody conflict with the British forces stationed there. The UK has not responded to the invasion due to being embroiled in the ongoing conflict in Europe. The US sent a division to Venezuela to take control of the oil fields in the country and prop up a pro-US puppet regime.

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