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Headed to the cleaners? Its time to join the league

Headed to the cleaners? Its time to join the league

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So it begins

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Idea 6
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Right from memory I think this arrived at some point in 2021 but with covid and everything else its been a bit of a blur. I cleaned up some of the models primed a couple and did some experimentation with some contrast paints last year. I also have a case I bought from battlefoam in 2021 at UK games expo that I have modified to store the entire collection in one place. Last spring I finished priming and added colours to a couple more minis without anything having ever reached a finished stage. I have finished one mini to date for a painting competition at my local gaming club earlier this year.

Enough is enough and because a bit of self deprecation is always funny, I know this has jumped ahead of #whataboutassasinscreed, but technically this arrived first, not that it usually makes a difference in my hobbying priorities.



Not the best pictures I know but at least thats everything either in tray or as a single, but photographing it was equally a nightmare as the miniatures are grouped by size over faction/campaign setting so there is the odd halfling etc with other minis. Its also showing where I’m starting from which is all primed with a couple of colours down on a few minis.


This is probably the most ambitious I have ever been with a project to date, over 100 minis a tight deadline (for me bearing in mind I’ve had 48 ironjawz to paint for about 5 years now) and a totally blank canvas with not alot of inspiration outside of mantic pictures to reference. Way outside of my usual hobby 4 walls, but then again it is meant to be a spring clean challenge not a walk in the park. So follow along for my recipes, corner cutting, painting on hard mode and whatever else happens while I slog through this lot. Either that or league of infamy is taking me to the cleaners.

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