Mantic Frost Giant
Cool Stick/Club Thing
I don’t know what you’d call the weapon really. Its a great big clump of icy death on a stick. Anyway, here’s how I painted it.
- I sloshed a load of Blue Tone Army Painter Shade directly over the grey undercoat (OK, I swear this is the last time I use a wash on this model!).
- This was followed up with a heavy drybrush of Sky Blue Vallejo.
- Another heavy drybrush with a bit of Undead Flesh mixed into the Sky Blue.
- Finished with (you guessed it) a heavy drybrush of pure white, with extra highlights on the edges. Simple, but effective.
For the stick he wields it on:
- Base coated the whole thing, straps and all, with MSP Bones Nut Brown. It’s a gorgeous, rich brown that gives a great base for wood or leather.
- Next up I mixed some white into the Nut Brown and drybrushed the whole thing. This did pick up the straps a lot, but I dug it in to hit the stick too, as that’s where I wanted to see it.
- For the straps, I picked them out using Citadel Technical Agrellan Earth. I wanted that kind of worn, cracked effect for them, and this worked perfectly.
- After that, I used a little Vallejo Dark Sand to edge highlight them, just to add definition and distinguish them a bit more from the stick underneath.
- Hah! No inkwash!
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