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It's been published!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

I still can’t quite believe that my game is now a real thing that people are playing. It’s ticked off a huge personal goal for me, and I really enjoyed the process. I enjoyed it so much that I’m working on another 2 games, and writing my own RPG.

The process of finding publication was quite daunting at first. A lot of the big companies are so busy that they can’t even consider new projects for years. Others aren’t quite the right fit when you think about themes/mechanics etc. Eventually, I came across a great little company called Fights and Fancy, who already produce their own range of RPG companion products, and who wanted to branch out this year into boardgame publishing. They came to test play my game and liked it. We met up to discuss what working together would look like, and they shared with me some artwork concepts they’d come up with. I felt they were on my wavelength completely, and we signed the deal. They manufactured the game in-house and launched it at Airecon. I have them on the shelves in the shop. It’s all still a bit surreal, and exciting and terrifying in equal measure, and I feel as though this is a start of a whole new direction in gaming for me. As well as the next boardgames and the RPG, I would love to develop my own miniature based game, as I adore painting and modelling minis.

It's been published!

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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations. Now how do we go about getting our hands on it? Do you have a link to a store you could share please?

Cult of Games Member

Thanks Gerry

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