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Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol

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At the beginning

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I bought an LED electronics kit from BTF Lighting.  I don’t know if this was a good choice, maybe there are other options out there.  The kit came with a Fether M4 Express as it’s main board, and a separate audio board.  It also came with four mini speakers and a strip of LEDs and a rechargeable battery.

At the beginning

The pistol has a cavity that will fit some of the electronics, but I think I will have to bore out a cavity for the battery in the back that will make it more convenient to charge and replace.

At the beginning

I bought a cheap, but decent soldering kit, so I think I am prepared to move forward.

At the beginning

Another issue is there is no trigger, so I will have to source that.

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