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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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The GOAT’s final and Greatest Escape.

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The GOAT’s final and Greatest Escape.

Flt. Lt. Mick ‘the GOAT’ Everest knew that the only way to escape the Behavioural Nightmare Unit (BNU) was to jump the perimeter trench and that would be no easy task having collected the 1,820 components in his 35 year subscription to Bike World Plus (for which he could never stop buying if he was to build his own life-size BMW as advertised all those years ago in Issue #1) and still having no guarantee that the bike would actually work!

The night of the great escape came, with perfect conditions. The noise of the BMW’s engine would be drowned out by the urgently rushed building works on the BNU’s new reception area for more conscripts and victims.

When the night shift started up their pneumatic drills, the Greatest of All Time flexed his ankle as the throttle engaged. How foolish the authorities would be to have allowed him to have taken out that life-time subscription as part of his Personal Development Plan decades ago and to have not then foreseen how all these components could come together as an example of engineering magnificence – almost worthy of an International MEng (if only it could have been recognised!)

He would miss his friends but they all knew it would have taken a further 35 years to have built the sidecar for the bike and Mick’s spirit needed to survive, so he had to go now. Freedom was a short distance away…

Miniature chosen: Crooked Dice Miniatures Biker A (metal) SKU MInI 174a, Sculpted by Ernst Veingart. Mounted on a resin 50mm round lipped trench base from Secret Weapon. Miniature chosen: Crooked Dice Miniatures Biker A (metal) SKU MInI 174a, Sculpted by Ernst Veingart. Mounted on a resin 50mm round lipped trench base from Secret Weapon.
The GOAT’s final and Greatest Escape.

Base coat of Chaos Black then layered with Macragge Blue, Mournfang Brown, Kislev Flesh and Chainmail. Dry brushing with Lothern Blue, Retributor Gold and Wraithbone. Washes with Reikland Fleshshade, Drakenhof Nightshade, Thraka Green, Nuln Oil.

A ‘retirement’ (he’ll never retire!) gift for an amazing human being and great support. Ride off into the sunset my friend…A ‘retirement’ (he’ll never retire!) gift for an amazing human being and great support. Ride off into the sunset my friend…

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