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Horus Heresy - Ka Bandha

Horus Heresy - Ka Bandha

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2

So, we then begin highlighting.

Flesh – Dry Brush Evil Sunz Scarlet > Wild Rider Red highlights

Armour – Dark Reaper highlights > Thunderhawk Blue highlights >Nuln Oil to dampen down how bright they were

Mouth – Volpus Pink Contrast > Agrax Earthshade

Teeth > Corax White > Apothecary White thinned down with contrast medium

Eyes > Ianden Yellow Contrast

Spikes > Leadbelcher > Agrax Earthshade > Nuln Oil > dry brush with Ironbreaker.


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Still got to finish the base and the weapons – and the wings!

Also got to tidy up his eyes and add a white scar highlight to the teeth.

The wings are huge and make the model a bit unmanageable to paint if you glue them on (at least that’s what I found).

They are coming a long however and once I buy some more super glue he should be finished.

Few interesting things to note on this.

  1. I had to pin the chunk of rubble he is standing on to the base – first time I have messed about with drilling and steel wire
  2. Also had to pin his whip together – its a night mare to get right
  3. I also thing I pinned the arm holding the whip on as well

Not going to lie this is a struggle to paint, because the model is so big and awkward to hold, I am keeping missing bits under the arms and legs, so I am constantly having to touch up armour panels, leather straps etc. When I do that I inadvertently touch the flesh with a brown paint or something and have to go back to tidying that!


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rickabod41Elessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This is awesome mate. He’s such a massive model and is going to make a great centrepiece. Reading his insane rampage in Echoes of Eternity has made him one of the coolest Chaos figures to me.

I really like the skin, not too dark and not super bright

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