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Manda's (Amachan) Dark Angels 5th Battle Company

Manda's (Amachan) Dark Angels 5th Battle Company

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Idea 7

With 10th edition on the horizon for 40k I am going to repaint my Dark Angels army and expand it to the full size that I wanted to build for it now that proper Space Marines are still available. I know that in the future GW is going to nuke the Space Marines and it is very likely that 10th edition is also going to be terrible. So this army will also still be valid for 7th edition or otherwise for Grimdark Future from OnePageRules and will of course be a nice looking shelf army. If 10th edition is good however, I also still have a Mechanicus project that I can work on when they nuke the Space Marines.

Over the coming weeks I will be putting together the plans for how I am exactly going to do it and when the renovations in my apartment are done in mid-April, I will start stripping Space Marines, spicy, I know. ? And then start repainting them to fit my painting techniques from today and not those from 3+ years ago.

So look forward to more on this project.

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Cult of Games Member

2023-03-21 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Looking forward to watching this progress.
I am trying to get myself in a similar frame of mind for the incoming 10th edition, but mainly to just try and get into my hobby again.

I’m hoping your project can help motivate me!!

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