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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Cycle 3: Hypertime Oracle

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

This is definitely an interesting design.  I’ve still no idea what those circles are on the wings.  I wasn’t sure if they were more tentacle suckers, but they look metal on the studio version.  Are they walls of speakers?  Portals through time and space?  Or is he just trying to sell you a watch in a back alley?  I’ve no idea yet.

Just one more game piece to paint and Wave 1 is completely table ready.  I hope to get started over the Easter weekend or soon after. I’ve 6 games of Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion to finish first though.  I suspect a battle report won’t work so well for this but I’ll likely be back here with pics and opinions soon after.

Dirty White Cloth
Start with a zenithal prime
Zenithally airbrush VMC 70.990 Light Grey
Zenithally airbrush VMC 70.990 Light Grey Mixed with VMC 70.951 White
Zenithally airbrush VMC 70.951 White
Pinwash shade with VMC 70.994 Dark Grey
Mix up a wash of P3 Sanguine base mixed with just enough p3 Battlefield Brown to darken it
Prepare some Italeri Wash Oiled Earth 4953AP wash
Apply them both where you see fit, sticking to the textured linen/canvas sections, and avoid the smooth cloth.  Allow them to bled in to each other then dry them off.
Keep applying them one at a time, mostly drying between coats.  Build up layers and layers of dirt this way
Throw in a single layer of GW Athonian Camoshade at the dirtiest point
Put a single layer of GW Carroburg Crimson towards the bottom where the red would be the dominant tone
Work with the two original washes until you are happy.  I’ve no idea how many layers I put in, and their placement varied each time.
When you’re happy, gently drybrush Reaper 09149 Mouldy Skin over the lower/dirtier parts
Gently drybrush Reaper 09150 over the cleaner and higher up dirty regions
Drybrush pure white as a highlight over the clean white areas.

Same as earlier, but the darker colours were thinned further

Base with a single coat of thinned P3 Umbral Umber and mixing medium (Almost a wash this time.  Thinner than on earlier models) over a zenithal prime. I could see lots of the white showing through, but it was tinted brown.
Wash with Vallejo Black Ink thinned about 2:6 with Instar Water+. It’s like water, but better. Don’t ask me how. All I know is everyone swears they won’t go back to water after. Using water in a wash can lead to tide marks and I wanted to avoid that.
Drybrush with P3 Frostbite, and then selectively with White.
Mix up 2:3 glazes of  P3 Turquoise Ink and Water+, and Vallejo Violet Ink and Water+, keeping you 2:6 Black Ink mix to hand
Glaze on the colours where appropriate, allowing them to mix a little where they meet.  Apply another coat of the black ink wash anywhere not getting colour, again allowing transitions to blend.


Base Darkstar Blackened Bronze
Wash GW Agrax Earthshade
Highlight with base
Highlight with base and Darkstar Royal Gold
Highlight with Royal Gold
Highlight with Royal Gold mixed with Darkstar Pale Gold
Highlight with Pale Gold
Mini pyramids on base had their middles painted with Reaper 09150 Bloodless Skin

Base P3 Pig Iron
Wash GW Nuln Oil
Highlight Pig Iron
Highlight P3 Cold Steel
Highlight P3 Cold Steel mixed with Quicksilver
Highlight P3 Quicksilver

Cycle 3: Hypertime Oracle
Cycle 3: Hypertime Oracle
Cycle 3: Hypertime Oracle
Cycle 3: Hypertime Oracle
Art from stat card. Super helpful. So it's grey on grey with grey parts contrasted by more grey? Gotcha.Art from stat card. Super helpful. So it's grey on grey with grey parts contrasted by more grey? Gotcha.
Studio painted piece.  Much more informative and inspiring.  It's a dirt angel.  I can work with that.Studio painted piece. Much more informative and inspiring. It's a dirt angel. I can work with that.

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