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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Cycle 3: Nyx Skyseer Titan

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This is a cross promotional model with a game called Midara I don’t know anything about.  It’s a nice mini.  I think I heard that completing it’s story in ATO might allow you to influence a game of Midara you’re also playing?

Undercoat P3 Ryn Flesh (my bottle of Elven Flesh had por coverage.  I think it had been sat on my shelf for too long and just wasn’t mixing properly)
Base GSW 1845 Elven Flesh
Shade GSW 1827 Blushing Flesh
Highlight GSW 1844 Pale Flesh
Spots: Careful dots of GW Agrax Earthshade, GW Athonian Camoshade and Coatd’Arms 133 Ink Flesh Wash
Gaze the dots with thinned GSW Pale Flesh

Base P3 Ryn Flesh mixed with P3 Menoth White Base
Wash with base mixed with a little P3 Sanguine Highlight
Wash with base mixed with a little P3 Battledress Green
Targeted wash of Battledress Green mixed with Sanguine Highlight
Highlight with base
Highlight with base mixed with P3 Menoth White Highlight
Highlight glints with Menoth White Highlight only

Blonde Hair: 
Base: Reaper 09256 Blond Shadow
Wash: Coat d’Arms Flesh Ink
Drybrush: Reaper 09257 Blond Hair
Drybrush: Reaper 09258 Blond Highlight

White Trousers
Base: Andrea Color White 1 Base
Shade: Andrea Color White 6, 2nd Shadow
Highlight: Andrea Color White 1 Base
Highlight: Andrea Color White 1 Base and P3 Morrow White
Highlight: Morrow White

Blue Cloth
Base with P3 Cygnar Blue base
Shade with VMC 70.899 Dark Prussian Blue mixed with P3 Coal Black
Highlight with base
Highlight with base mixed with P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight
Highlight with Cygnar Blue Highlight
Highlight with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed with P3 Frostbite

Die inside a little then repair white stripes

Die a little more and repair blue stripes

Deep breaths.  Continue

Socks and Boots
Socks: VMC 70.994 Dark Grey
Boots: P3 Battledress Green
Drybrush Boots with P3 Rucksack Tan
Wash both with GW Agrax Earthshade

Base Darkstar Blackened Bronze
Wash GW Agrax Earthshade
Highlight with base
Highlight with base and Darkstar Royal Gold
Highlight with Royal Gold
Highlight with Royal Gold mixed with Darkstar Pale Gold
Highlight with Pale Gold


Undercoat black
Base Mission models MMM-002 Cold Rolled Steel
Highlight with Base mixed with VGC 72.056 Chainmail Silver
Highlight with Chainmail Silver
Highlight with Chainmail Silver mixed with VMA 71.064 Chrome
Highlight with Chrome
Targeted wash with Italeria 4953AP Oiled Earth wash

Base P3 Cryx bane Base
Drybrush P3 Hammerfall Khaki
Wash GW Athonian Camoshade (Can skip.  Didn’t do much)
Wash GW Seraphim Sepia

Cycle 3: Nyx Skyseer Titan
Cycle 3: Nyx Skyseer Titan
Cycle 3: Nyx Skyseer Titan
Cycle 3: Nyx Skyseer Titan
Art from stat cardArt from stat card

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