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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Cycle 3: Icarian Harpy, and Ascender, Dawnburner and Returner Titans

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I took a weekend off painting to play games with friends, but now I’m back with 4 more finished models.  This leaves only 3 more game pieces to paint and I’m done.  I’m going to book a week off in April and I’d like this finished before then.  Even if I do one model a week I should be done before then.

Harpy Flesh
This scheme is looted and modified from Vallejo’s Non-Death Chaos set.  For some reason, theirs looks blue even though it’s painted using purple paints.  i swear they cheat.
Zenithal Preshade
Wash 2:1 VMC 72.048 Sombre Grey: VMC 72.016 Royal Purple (My zenithal blacks were too dominant, so I ended up applying something thicker than a wash to cover this up, and probably 2-3 coats.  Ideally, you want a smooth black to white transition before you begin, and then use a very thin wash over it to tint it.  I failed at that by not reading ahead when priming.  Next time I hope to remember and try this guide properly.
Shade with Royal Purple
Highlight with base
Highlight with base with increasing amounts of VMC72.003 Pale Flesh

Base P3 Sanguine base
Wash Sanguine Base mixed with P3 Exile Blue
Wash with above with a little P3 Coal Black
Highlight with base
Highlight with P3 Sanguine Highlight
Highlight with P3 Sanguine Highlight mixed with p3 Menoth White Base

Base P3 Cryx Bane Base
Drybrush P3 Thrall Flesh
Drybrush P3 Menoth White Base, avoiding near the flesh
Drybrush P3 Menoth White Highlight towards the tips
Wash GW Nuln Oil

Base with P3 Heartfire
Pupil is any black

Harpy Wings
Base with a single coat of thinned P3 Umbral Umber over a zenithal prime. I could see lots of the white showing through, but it was tinted brown.
Wash with Vallejo Black Ink thinned about 2:3 with Instar Water+. It’s like water, but better. Don’t ask me how. All I know is everyone swears they won’t go back to water after. Using water in a wash can lead to tide marks and I wanted to avoid that.
Wash with GW Athonian Camoshade. it’s a dirty green. I want swampy dirtiness.
VERY lightly drybrush with P3 Thrall Flesh (Zombie skin)

Titan Wings
Base with a single coat of thinned P3 Umbral Umber over a zenithal prime. I could see lots of the white showing through, but it was tinted brown.
Wash with Vallejo Black Ink thinned about 2:3 with Instar Water+. It’s like water, but better. Don’t ask me how. All I know is everyone swears they won’t go back to water after. Using water in a wash can lead to tide marks and I wanted to avoid that.
Very lightly Drybrush with P3 Frostbite, and then selectively with White.
Mix up 2:3 glazes of Black and Water+, and P3 Turquoise Ink and Water+, and Vallejo Violet Ink and Water+
Glaze on a band of the purple around the bottom of the cloak.
While still wet, glaze on a band of black above it, encouraging the two to mix
Repeat with the turquoise
Repeat with the black
Tint with turquoise and then purple around the collar, never letting any of it dry before the next glaze.

Base P3 Bootstrap Leather
Drybrush/layer P3 Hammerfall khaki
Wash GW Agrax Earthshade

Base Darkstar Blackened Bronze
Wash Secret Weapon Sewer Water
Layer Blackened Bronze
Layer Blackened Bronze mixed with Darkstar Royal Gold
Layer Darkstar Royal Gold
Layer Darkstar Royal Gold mixed with Darkstar Pale Gold
Layer Darkstar Pale Gold

Base P3 Pig Iron
Wash GW Nuln Oil
Layer P3 Cold Steel
Layer P3 Quick Silver

Base VMC 72.063 Chainmail Silver
Wash Chainmail Silver mixed with P3 Pig Iron
Highlight with base
Highlight with VMA 71.064 Chrome

Metal disk things on back
Base VMC 72.063 Chainmail Silver
Wash GW Seraphim Sepia
Highlight with base

Tentacle Flesh:
Base: P3 Troolblood Highlight, P3 Ryn Flesh & P3 Carnal Pink
Wash: Base +Traitor Green
Wash: Above+ Beaten Purple
Highlight: Ryn Flesh, Carnal Pink, and P3Menoth White Highlight

Blue Suckers: 
Base: VMC 70.866 Turquoise
Highlight middle with VMC 70.808 Blue Green
Highlight middle by adding more and more Reaper 09150 Bloodless Skin or any other off-white to the Blue Green

Undercoat: White
Base: Mr Paint MRP-F005 Deep Yellow
Highlight: Deep Yellow and Mr Paint MRP-F008 Fire Orange
Highlight: Fire Orange
Highlight: Fire Orange and Mr paint MRP-F013 Deep Red
Highlight: Deep Red
Apply Coat d’Arms Ink Wash Yellow to recesses to brighten further
Glaze thinned white carefully to the hottest recesses
Just before varnishing I got some Kromlech Soot Black pigment on a finger and touched it gently to the model to add some just to the high points.  The varnish then sealed this in.

Grey-White Hair
Base: P3 Morrow White and Reaper 09148 Ghoul Skin
Wash: Ghoul Skin
Highlight with base and then add more and more white for further highlights



Icarian Harpy

Ascender Titan

Dawnburner Titan

Returner Titan

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