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Guillotine’s Penintent Crusade

Guillotine’s Penintent Crusade

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Penitent Bullwarks

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Penitent Bullwarks
Penitent Bullwarks
Penitent Bullwarks

These were very fun to paint. In fact, I chose majority of the colour scheme for the whole project when doing them. I wasn’t first sure at all for the gold/yellow, but I think it turned out nice and works with the remaining range nicely too.


The weapon of one guy broke off (the joys off resin prints!), so I decided just to make his fist extra bloody. That’s where the idea of making the shields bloody as well — they would obviously use the massive shields to bash against their foes. And everyone in the world of Bestiarium miniatures bleed profusely!

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