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Frontier North Trading Post board

Frontier North Trading Post board

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Train cargo & first game!

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I have now finished the train cargo so I am running out of stuff to work on until I can get my brother back on printing more stuff for me, which is sadly on hold while he has builders in the house.

But, I did get a game of skirmish Star Wars Legion in at the club with this stuff on a 3×3 layout.  The deciding moment was a duel between Darth Vader and Count Dooku on the train, I rolled extremely well so Dooku took another limb off Skywalker!  Then got taken down by Boba Fett, but I got the win anyway by pushing droids forwards faster than then got shot up.

Train cargo & first game!
Train cargo & first game!
Train cargo & first game!

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