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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Battletech Evening after evening report

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6

Well we managed it, and we layer out one table fir Alpha Strike and one for Classic, the former took most of our attention with 4 games played straight out of beginner box .

Battletech Evening after evening report
Battletech Evening after evening report

We played the 1st scenario 3 times which does appear slanted to the Clan Forces, with 3 clear Clan victories.


The 2nd Scenario was played which use virtually all the contents of the starter box ( Unfortunately I thought I took a photo but isn’t showing on phone .

This was more balanced with the Inner Sphere clearly the Winner.

Apologies to players for a couple of rules errors, but with Alpha Strike I’m as big a newbie as they were.

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bobcockaynedawfyddsundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looks a bit barren. Was that on purpose or was there just no suitable terrain? But thanks for sharing the pictures 🙂

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