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BaP sailors and special characters

BaP sailors and special characters

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The details

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Next I went in and did all of the metal by brushing on some Vallejo airbrush dark aluminum. If you’ve never used that line of paints, I highly recommend them. Life changing.

I then covered all of the little detail bits. Bandanas, headwraps, belts, hats, weapon handles, pouches. I used a variety of the xpress paints, but for the pouches I mostly used brown, and for the clothes I mostly used blue and red, but I also mixed in some yellow, gray and green.

The last thing I did was hit all of the metal bits with black wash, since they are the only things I didn’t paint with xpress paint.

The goal here was to whip up a lot of minis as quickly as possible. It was super effective, I got 40 something models done in 2 afternoons, about the same time I will usually spend on 2 or 3 Malifaux models. The quality isn’t fantastic, but they are passable for sure, and Im sure folks will be happy to use them as pirates if I demo the game.

I think I’m gonna turn this project into a more broad P&P thing, cuz Ive really got the bug for it at the moment, and I have some cool stuff to work on.

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