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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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March 1st Update

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Time for last month’s goals and achievements.

February's Progress:

Sold: 99

Painted: 39

Bought: 16

Total Unpainted: 2700

February Goals:

  • Paint up an Underworlds warband for a one day event on the 11th.
  • Finish dwarf units for Kings of War Ambush
  • Base colours down on one unit of AOS trolls
  • Build Necromunda team for a campaign in March (halfway finished)
  • Get started on Moonstone and Rumbleslam models
  • Sell some miniatures so the cupboard is a little less terrifying to open

Also added in the first of my space dwarves and two buildings!

March Goals:

  • Decide on Spring Clean Challenge project (it is narrowed down to two at the moment)
  • Paint up a unit of AOS trolls; I’ve had to pull out of the league due to ill health but getting some paint down should encourage me to keep going with them so when I am able to get games in, the army will be ready
  • Necromunda campaign seems to be off the table for now i.e. no one in the Discord has mentioned it since early January but I have partially built a team so aiming to at least finish building and getting primer on them.
  • Possibly refresh some Malifaux miniatures as there is talk of games at the club in the next few months

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