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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I just noticed that I labelled my last few entries as being from cycle 2. Not sure how I started making that mistake as I’m still playing cycle 1.


In terms of game turns I’ve completed circumnavigating Crete and I’ve started my second lap, this time further out from the coast.

Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30

During this session I also had my third battle against the Labyrithauros. This time it was the first battle where it was truly allowed to use trample, which was very infuriating. This means that after it attacks it often runs off trampling over my Titans. I found that if I tried to anticipate it trampling to a location, it didn’t do it. If I anticipated it would stay still, instead it trampled off. When I could actually pin it down and get some hits in I did damage at a decent rate.


On the face of it sounds like ranged attacks would be the answer. I only have one Titan with ranged attacks right now. The problem is you can only carry a weapon in each hand, and that includes shields. It’s not like you can effectively give every Titan a ranged attack unless you deliberately choose to sacrifice the use of shields or two-handed weapons.

Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30

One Titan was knocked over then gnawed to death. Poor guy…


Eventually I was able to hamper the Labyrinthaurus’ movement with a critical hit on its Maze Fragment location. It didn’t last much longer after that.

Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30
Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30
Cycle 1, turns 20 to 30

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