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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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February 27th Update

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Another piece of terrain done watching the XLBS yesterday. It is sort of a test piece for a near future project.

The building is the Routledge Barn from Warbases.

  • Once built, I sprayed it with a coat of varnish to seal the MDF before priming with Colour Forge Black
  • Sponged on a mix of Vallejo London Grey, Army Painter Greatcoat Grey, GW Elysian Green, and Vallejo US Field Drab for the walls
  • Sponged the inside of the barn section with Vallejo Charred Brown, GW Mournfang Brown and then stippled some brown texture paste
  • Door and gates painted with Vallejo Charred Brown and GW Mournfang Brown
  • P3 Coal Black and a 50/50 mix of it and Vallejo Prussian Blue were sponged onto the roof
  • Watered down texture paste and some GW Elysian Green were put on the roof and walls to age it up a bit (I think a little too much however here we are)
  • Some fine turf flock and some clump foliage for moss
  • I didn’t do anything with the inside of the room behind the door; I’m too lazy
February 27th Update
February 27th Update

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