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Bot War - Painting Challenge 2023

Bot War - Painting Challenge 2023

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Day 24 - Thresh Metal

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Friday night and Thresherlord is on the desk. A single character in the faction he is a bit of a bad ass having both decent close and ranged attack stats.

I went similar to the art card for my paint, going for a two-tone affair but leant more towards purple than dark blue.  The base coat was Citadel contrast Shish purple + Leviadon blue applied over the black and white lateral prime.

Day 24 - Thresh Metal

From here all of the details and armour were blocked in with vallejo black before being worked up the same as the Blue group.

Armour got the titanium workup, and the straps had the P3 brown one.

The car was painted with Citadel flesh tearer red as a basecoat, and then edge highlighted with P3 frostbite. Frostbite was also used to wet blend highlights into the main body when a second coat of contrast was applied.

The car was then glazed over with several coats of Vallejo transparent red to give it a nice saturation level.

Day 24 - Thresh Metal

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