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BaP sailors and special characters

BaP sailors and special characters

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Slap some paint on em

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Next I started using the dwarf skin xpress paint to cover the exposed skin on some of the pirates. I didnt love love this color for skin, it was fine but it looked a little cold to me. I ended up mixing a few different varieties by putting some red and different browns, and even used some speed paint that I like.

Next up is the fun part. Pirates wear a ton of different colors of clothes, so I started going through the Xpress paints and just picking different pieces of clothing and painting them. Really fast and easy. The only goal was to try to spread the colors out so I wouldn’t end up with all models of a specific loadout having the same colors on.

I mostly based the color choices on the box art that Firelock has put out. When I got sick of those colors, I tried looking up what Pirates would have worn historically, and I found that in addition to the colors you would expect (Blue, White, Tan) they were also known for wearing dark green. Very cool.

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