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Oooooooooooh it's been a right ol' while!!!!

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Been an age, a right while……….but havent been idle!!! Been working my way through a reasonable backlog of the denizens of Tauber with a leaning towards the mystical followers, the cultists, the Leshavult!!

So let’s have a wee catch up with a surprise WiP at the end!!!

I like trolls........ Troll are fun! Bristlenose from the Dominion was always one I was going to paint no mattter what faction I focused on. Really lovely sculpt and a really characterful fella t'paint I like trolls........ Troll are fun! Bristlenose from the Dominion was always one I was going to paint no mattter what faction I focused on. Really lovely sculpt and a really characterful fella t'paint
Voth and his wee pal Homunculus were part of the last KS that GKG ran. They are not exactly part of any of the 3 factions but part of the Eldritch wizards (they that buy up the moonstones)  Homunculus was a lot of fun to paint, esp the book on his back but Voth reeeeeeeeally outstayed his welcome and just. would. not. get. finished!!!  First Moonstone mini that I havent enjoyed painting! Came out ok though Voth and his wee pal Homunculus were part of the last KS that GKG ran. They are not exactly part of any of the 3 factions but part of the Eldritch wizards (they that buy up the moonstones) Homunculus was a lot of fun to paint, esp the book on his back but Voth reeeeeeeeally outstayed his welcome and just. would. not. get. finished!!! First Moonstone mini that I havent enjoyed painting! Came out ok though
And now on to the Lesh!! One of my absolute favourite minis from Moonstone - Boris the Bunny Botherer.....ahem........ summoner. This guy was a serious joy to paint. Lovely lovey character adn those little murder bunnies........... definitely going to be part of my Troupe at the Adepticon!!And now on to the Lesh!! One of my absolute favourite minis from Moonstone - Boris the Bunny Botherer.....ahem........ summoner. This guy was a serious joy to paint. Lovely lovey character adn those little murder bunnies........... definitely going to be part of my Troupe at the Adepticon!!
One of the latest releases for the end of last Knoll the grumpy hermit troll was a must have. He took an aaaaaaaaaaaaage to paint mind as he is oozing with detail.  One of the latest releases for the end of last Knoll the grumpy hermit troll was a must have. He took an aaaaaaaaaaaaage to paint mind as he is oozing with detail.
One final WiP - latest miniature to add to the WiPping shelf is this little rascal, our new~ish born daughter Aerin! 24 weeks old today!!!!   Have a great day folks :) One final WiP - latest miniature to add to the WiPping shelf is this little rascal, our new~ish born daughter Aerin! 24 weeks old today!!!! Have a great day folks :)

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Cult of Games Member

Good work on the final mini. I particularly like the floral pattern on the body-suite.

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