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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Cycle 1, turn 19

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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This turn it was time for my first level 2 monster fight. Now any Titans pushed off the board edge count as being thrown of a cliff and die. Also every third wound inflicted on the monster gives it a free signature attack.

End of round 1 - one Titan knocked down but otherwise things going as usual.End of round 1 - one Titan knocked down but otherwise things going as usual.
A couple of rounds later at Titan gets disemboweled. That was unlucky.A couple of rounds later at Titan gets disemboweled. That was unlucky.
Another couple of rounds later a Titan get their back broken and dies. Not going too well...Another couple of rounds later a Titan get their back broken and dies. Not going too well...
Then it's my turn to be lucky. A Titan swings a boatmace and inflicts a critical wound on a level three location. The critical effect of that card just happens to be instant death for the monster.Then it's my turn to be lucky. A Titan swings a boatmace and inflicts a critical wound on a level three location. The critical effect of that card just happens to be instant death for the monster.

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