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The Barons War - Free book adventure

The Barons War - Free book adventure

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Retinue complete - Mounted knights

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Finished up the last two knights for this list to make it 4 knights.Finished up the last two knights for this list to make it 4 knights.
Leaning on the diamonds theme on the shields and wanting to add more yellow to the force because the Scots force have blue in their theme also.Leaning on the diamonds theme on the shields and wanting to add more yellow to the force because the Scots force have blue in their theme also.
The gore and mud has been dialled back a touch compared the the mounted sergeants kitbashes of the Scots as I got comments that it was a bit OTT. The gore and mud has been dialled back a touch compared the the mounted sergeants kitbashes of the Scots as I got comments that it was a bit OTT.

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