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BaP sailors and special characters

BaP sailors and special characters

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Setting sail

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 12
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I recently found out there is a small Blood and Plunder scene at my FLGS. Between than and recently getting my kickstarter delivered, I think ill paint me some pirates. I have kept up with painting the Natives as ive gotten them, but I havent painted nearly as many of the Spanish or pirates. Having backed several of Firelocks kickstarters, and generally having a distinct lack of self control, I have quite a lot to do.

I recently got my hands on some of Vallejos new Xpress paints, so I think ill try to get a whole bunch of work done fast by using the slap chop method.  Its a dumb name, but a pretty effective paint technique.


Step 1: Prime and Zenithal

As a side note, the new plastic kits from Firelock are really great. They give you lots of weapon options, and give you the ability to add a whole bunch of variety into your units.

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