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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Veer Myn closing in....

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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18th February 2023

Keen to get some 150pt teams ready for upcoming larger demos I cracked on with the Veer Myn through the week.

I really like the result from the Ironjawz yellow contrast with some minor shading and occasional highlights. It gives a nice pop to the minis and is quite quick to achieve – the other bits are what take the time for me ?

Quite pleased with the grey fur on one of them.

For the nigthmares the yellow was a bit too dominant, so I picked out some panels in blue to contrast against the yellow.

I also did a bit of magnetising on the bases – another (pretty basic) thing I have not done before.

I haven’t finished the Pack Leader yet though….

Conscious of needing two strike teams for the demo games I then went back into the GCPS. With a bit brighter weather my eyes coped with the dark undercoat a little better, and I laid out the blue grey base for the camo on the minis I needed for the demo

Then it was laying in the rough stripes of the camo pattern, and giving them all a single red shoulder pad. They weren’t finished in time for the demo, but at least they were all ‘3 colours up’ ?

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