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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18
Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18

I started the session with my first fight against the Hermesian Pursuer. This is a monster that chases you across the map throughout the game.


Round one it knocked everyone down and scattered my Titans around the board. I only managed to do one wound, though that’s not bad going for round one.


Aeon Trespass Odyssey has a battle mechanic called escalation. At the start of a battle a monster has a deck of level 1 AI cards and a deck of level 1 body location cards. When you successfully wound a location, you replace the location card with one from the deck one level higher. This represents you ripping off armour or exposing vulnerable locations, so as the battle goes on you wear the monster down. But what also happens is you remove and AI card of the level of the hit location and replace it with one of the next level up. This means as the monster gets more injured it behaves more aggressively.


Round two one of my Titan’s stood up.


Round three the monster drew the one level 2 AI card in its deck (thanks to the one wound I did in the previous round). This attack killed a Titan just by staring at it and then it was battle over. Special defeat conditions for this particular monster’s first battle.


Oh well… on to map exploration.

Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18

Exploration went well. I’ve now unlocked God Form mechanics, where under certain conditions my Titan’s can take on the form and powers of a God briefly. To begin with I’ll have access to Zeus.


The amount of technologies I have access to know is so big that I need an A1 board to lay them all out on. The map has also grown so much that it needs its own A1 board.

Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18
Cycle 1, turns 15 to 18

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