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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Some more demo games

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

14th February 2023

Last night I took my demo gear to another club and ran through some demo games again.

Not a great uptake overall, but the players that did get involved seemed to have fun, picked up the rules really quickly and asked pertinent questions – so worthwhile in the end I’d say (don’t want to get disheartened)

I only took a few pictures again, due to running things and engaging with the players.

Some more demo games
Some more demo games

The very first shot of the first game saw the Veer Myn player getting four 8’s, and a total of 6 successes – taking out the GCPS Marine veteran straight away ?

At the other club (Camborne) the games seemed to revolve more around shooting, but at the club last night (Truro) there was an awful lot more close combat going on.

Final duel over the objectiveFinal duel over the objective

Its good to see that a small demo set up like this, with just three minis per side can still generate quite different feeling games in the short time that they play for.

Next up it is back to building up the strike teams to then hopefully run some larger demo games in the future.

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