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The Barons War - Free book adventure

The Barons War - Free book adventure

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de Percy Foot Sergeant Spearmen

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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The fish emblem is apparently only associated with the Percy family much later, but I think it's more interesting than sticking strictly to the blue lion rampant and the diamonds that seem to be key parts of the hereldry. I will make the knights closer to the sources that suit my theme, with these Foot Sergeants being derivations of their masters' designs.The fish emblem is apparently only associated with the Percy family much later, but I think it's more interesting than sticking strictly to the blue lion rampant and the diamonds that seem to be key parts of the hereldry. I will make the knights closer to the sources that suit my theme, with these Foot Sergeants being derivations of their masters' designs.

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