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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Cycle 1, turns 13 and 14

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Cycle 1, turns 13 and 14

Turn 13 say my first “normal” battle against the Labyrinthauros. Having fought it once in the ambush battle I knew to correctly ignore its trample ability while it is still only level 1.


I was unlucky fairly early on and drew a “Heroic Death” card for one of my Titans in round 2. This meant they died much earlier in the battle than you would normally expect.

Cycle 1, turns 13 and 14

I quickly made up for that by being able to score a critical hit and open up a vulnerable spot. This allowed one of my Titan’s to mount the monster. From here their hits can gain a bonus to wound and the Titan can ignore any monster responses to their blows. The Titan was able to remain on the monster’s back until the end of the battle and do a lot of damage while they were up their. They were even able to use another critical hit to tear off one of the monsters tabards which has given them a “secret” special gear card.

Cycle 1, turns 13 and 14

Overall I was able to handle group tactics a bit better now that I’m more or less on top of the core combat mechanics rules.


I was all set to spend another hour or so exploring the map before the next scheduled monster fight, but on turn 15 the adversary made a two tile advance and caught up with me. I stopped playing and will have to battle the monster at the start of my next session.

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