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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Cycles 1-3: The Burden

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

I’m not 100% sure where this guy goes.  I’m told he’s a cycle 2 model, but there’s some suggestion that he can turn up in any of the first three cycles.  He also comes with a battle and map scale mini.  He’s a nice crisp clean sculpt and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with him.  I took him from primed to varnished in about 24 hours and I don’t feel like I rushed.

Ball Stone
This is my basing scheme from KDM
Base: Mission Models MMW006 Transparent Dust (I’d usually use P3 Trollblood Highlight, but I’m running low and this was the closest colour I already own)
Heavy Drybrush: GW Karak Stone
Medium Drybrush: GW Screaming Skull
Light Drybrush: P3 Menoth White Highlight

Gold Legs
Base: P3 Blighted Gold
Wash: p3 Cryx Bane base mixed with P3 Brown Ink
Targeted Wash: P3 Umbral Umber mixed with P3 Coal Black
Drybrush: P3 Brass Balls
Post varnish Highlight: P3 Brass Balls mixed with P3 Radiant Platinum

Black Ooze
Base: Revell Aqua Colour 36106 Tar Black
Highlight: Tar Black with a little Revell Aqua Colour 36174 Gunship Grey
Highlight: Above mix with a little Revell Aqua Colour 36176 Light Grey
Highlight: above with more Light Grey
Glaze with GW Nuln Oil to smooth the transition out
I didn’t push the highlights far enough so the two glazed needed to blur the transitions took the highlights down a little too far.
Gloss varnish when all is finished

The Burden, Battle ScaleThe Burden, Battle Scale
The Burden, Map ScaleThe Burden, Map Scale

This model makes me think one thing, and one thing only:  “Feed him to the Sharkticons!”

I’ve got the rest of the Cycle 2 models on my painting table ready to go and it’s made it apparent that these models don’t have a fixed scale.  Look at this pic below of two humans.  One is twice the size of the other.  I suppose he could be a giant or something.  I’ve not read anything yet.  I know it doesn’t affect the gameplay, but a lack of consistent scale bothers me.

On your left is The Burden, and on your right is The NietzscheanOn your left is The Burden, and on your right is The Nietzschean

Update 10/2/23:

I asked on the discord and here’s the responses I’ve gotten about the big little human.  Seems he is a character and might well be larger on purpose:

Cycles 1-3: The Burden
Cycles 1-3: The Burden

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Cult of Games Member

Perhaps one is of an infant?

Great paintjob though.

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